- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg2000] IMPORTANT NOTICE
- From: steve at (Steve Christensen)
- Date: Wed, 6 Sep 1995 23:51:24 -0400
Greetings MathGroup: My Internet provider Cybernetx is selling its accounts to another provider Vnet. This means that at some point the addresses for me and for mathgroup will change. The URL's for my web pages will change also. I cannot say yet when this will happen. I will try to let the group know as soon as I can confirm what the addresses and URL's will be. If you do not find out by email, please look at the comp.soft-sys.math.mathematica newsgroup or email me at stevec at or mathgroup at These addresses will forward to whatever my new addresses are. I expect to get a .com address which in the future will move with me and should not have to change. Thanks in advance for your patience during this change. Steve Christensen