RE: URGENT - How to print difficult labels
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg2026] RE: URGENT - How to print difficult labels
- From: Peter Meuris <peterm at>
- Date: Thu, 14 Sep 1995 23:30:47 -0400
- Organization: BIRA
Hello, I want to make a graph of a prticular function, and want to include labels with some thing like this (latexformat) ${\omega} \over {\omega_{p d}}$ and $k \lambda_{eff}$ Can anybody please help me out. If so send me an e-mail, because i don't read this newsgroup often -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter MEURIS Belgisch Instituut voor Ruimteaeronomie (Belgian Institute for space aeronomy) Ringlaan 3 1180 BRUSSEL BELGIUM phone : +32.2.373.04.18 fax : +32.2.374.84.23 E-mail: peter.meuris at wtalk : peter at URL : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------