Re: Weibull Distribution
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg5622] Re: Weibull Distribution
- From: browe at (Bill Rowe)
- Date: Sun, 29 Dec 1996 00:56:25 -0500
- Organization: none apparent
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
In article <59vpc7$f82 at>, Brian Rigling <riglinbd at> wrote: >I am trying to work with Weibull distribution. Specifically, I would like to create random numbers under a Weibull distribution and fit a curve or data with a Weibull distribution. To create random Weibull deviates first load the package Statistics`ContinuousDistributions`. Then a random Weibull deivate can be generated as x = Random[WeibullDistribution[a,b]] Where a,b are the parameters of the desired distribution. Probably the best way to compute the best fit Weibull distribution to a set of data points would be to use the Statistics`LinearRegression` package. The Weibull parameters a,b can be computed from Log[-Log[1-y] = a (Log[x] - Log[b]) where y is esimated as the number of points less than or equal to x divided by the total number of points plus one. There are other possible estimates for y which may give somewhat better results in some cases. -- "Against stupidity, the Gods themselves contend in vain."