Re: 3D data plot
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg5426] Re: 3D data plot
- From: haberndt at (Harald Berndt)
- Date: Sat, 7 Dec 1996 00:25:58 -0500
- Organization: DNAI ( Direct Network Access )
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
In article <57ushq$3cb at>, rommel at wrote: > You want to plot over an irregular mesh (correct term?). > To get a surface you need to triangulate. There is no Triangulation > built in in Mma 2.2. In a way, there is: the Standard Packages add functionality for discrete mathematics, among them the functions DelaunayTriangulation[] and TriangularSurfacePlot[]. > But I've seen a package that came with some book > about Mma that did it (non-trivial) You may be referring to Tom Wickham-Jones' bokk "Mathematica Graphics." He expands a bit on the theme, it's generally a very ice book. > > Don't know if version 3 has triangluation. > > Martin. -- Harald Berndt, Ph.D. Research Specialist, Voice: 510-652-5974 Consultant FAX: 510-215-4299