init.m question
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg5419] init.m question
- From: Bob Stagat <stagat at>
- Date: Sat, 7 Dec 1996 00:25:48 -0500
- Organization: Regional Alliance for Information Networking (RAIN)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
I just started using version 3.0 on a Power Mac. I wanted to have the kernel automatically set $HistoryLength to 10 instead of Infinity. Based on what I read in the documentation, I located the Configuration:Kernel:init.m file and editted it. It originally contained one Initialization cell with some stuff in it. I added a second Initialization cell (to keep it clearly separate from Wolfram's default stuff) which had nothing in it but a comment line and the following line: $HistoryLength=10 I restart Mathematica, expecting that the kernel will read my modified init.m file and reset $HistoryLength. However, when I check it Mathematica tells me that $HistoryLength = Infinity. Seems like this should be a trivial problem, but I can't seem to find anything helpful in any of the documentation. Any suggestions on what I should try next??? Bob Stagat stagat at