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Re: Help with ErrorListPlot

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg3212] Re: Help with ErrorListPlot
  • From: ianc (Ian Collier)
  • Date: Sat, 17 Feb 1996 14:17:16 -0500
  • Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

In article <4frvbu$k13 at>, Edmond
<underwoe at Colorado.Edu> wrote:

> Does anyone know how to get ErrorListPlot[{{x,y,dy}}] going?  I have version
> 2.2 on Solaris and Next, and I have version 2.1 under NT.  It's not in the
> standard package, so I load the graphics package with
> Needs["Graphics`Graphics`"].  After loading the package, it still
doesn't graph
> my plot.  It doesn't recognize it as a function.  Does anyone know how to make
> this work?  Your answers are greatly appreciated (e-mail if you could as this
> is the first time I've ever posted to this group and wouldn't be able to get
> around to it very often).
> -- 
> Edmond Underwood
> email:  underwoe at Colorado.Edu
> Bench32 for Windows NT and Windows 95

The only thing I can think is that you are trying to plot
a function rather than a list of x, y, dy triples.

Here is an example adapted slightly from the Guide to
Standard Mathematica Packages Technical Report.



    ErrorListPlot[{{y1, dy1}, {y2, dy2}, ...}] plots a list of
       data with error bars. ErrorListPlot[{{x1, y1, dy1}, ...}]
       allows x, as well as y, positions to be specified.

    expdata = Table[ {x, .75 10^(.6 x)+ Random[Real, {-1.0,1.0}]},
                    {x, 0.2, 1.2,.1}]
    {{0.2, 0.937442}, {0.3, 1.57208}, {0.4, 2.14111}, 
      {0.5, 1.86885}, {0.6, 2.53587}, {0.7, 1.89474}, 
      {0.8, 3.04204}, {0.9, 2.67411}, {1., 2.98289}, 
      {1.1, 4.18244}, {1.2, 4.07424}}

    errdata = Map[ Append[ #, 1.0]&, expdata]
    {{0.2, 0.937442, 1.}, {0.3, 1.57208, 1.}, 
      {0.4, 2.14111, 1.}, {0.5, 1.86885, 1.}, 
      {0.6, 2.53587, 1.}, {0.7, 1.89474, 1.}, 
      {0.8, 3.04204, 1.}, {0.9, 2.67411, 1.}, 
      {1., 2.98289, 1.}, {1.1, 4.18244, 1.}, {1.2, 4.07424, 1.}}

    ErrorListPlot[ errdata ]

If you need further help with this problem I would suggest 
that you  contact Wolfram Research Technical Support 
(support at directly, including details of exactly 
what input and data you were using.

I hope this helps.


Ian Collier
Wolfram Research, Inc.
tel:(217) 398-0700   fax:(217) 398-0747    ianc at
Wolfram Research Home Page:


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