programming competition
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg4847] programming competition
- From: Xah Lee <xah at>
- Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 22:42:11 -0400
- Organization: Best Internet Communications
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
This is a programming problem I recently encountered. The problem has the attraction of being a programming competition type. I post the problem and my solution here and hope someone will enjoy and maybe come out with other solutions. Problem: Suppose you have a ordered list {p1, p2, ... , pn} where points has the form {x,y}. You want to modify the list so any neighboring points will have a distance less or equal to a given value maxLength. You do this by adding points in between points. For example, suppose p3 and p4 has length greater than maxLength. Your new list should then be {p1, p2, p3, newP1, newP2,..., newPm, p4, p5, ... , pn} where newP1, ...newPm lies on the line p3 p4. linearInterpolate::usage = " linearInterpolate[{p1,p2,...}, maxLength ] returns {P1,P2,...} such that the length between neighboring points P[i], P[i+1] is less or equal to maxLength. Newly created points lies on a line between old points"; linearInterpolate[ li_List, maxLength_ ]:= Module[{positions}, positions = Flatten@ Position[ N@ Sqrt[#.#]& /@ Rest[ li-RotateRight[li] ], x_/; (x > maxLength), {1} ]; Partition[ Flatten@ (Fold[ Module[{p1 = li[[#2]], p2 = li[[#2+1]]}, Insert[ #1, Drop[ Rest@ Table[ (p2-p1) i + p1, {i, 0, 1, 1./Ceiling@ N[Sqrt[Plus@@((p2-p1)^2)]/maxLength] } ],-1 ], #2 ] ]&, li, Reverse@ positions]), 2] ] ----------------------- Example, li = Join[ {{0,0},{1,1}}, Table[{i,1}, {i,1,2,1/5}], {{2,1}, {3,3}} ]; Show[ Graphics[{ Hue[0], PointSize[.02], Point/@ li }], AspectRatio->Automatic, Axes->True, PlotRange->All ];0; Show[ Graphics[{ Hue[0], PointSize[.02], Point /@ linearInterpolate[ li, .3] }], AspectRatio->Automatic, Axes->True, PlotRange->All ];0; ---------------------- More example In[15]:= gp = First@ ParametricPlot[ t {Cos at t, Sin at t}, {t,0, 4 Pi}, PlotPoints->10, MaxBend->10, PlotDivision->5, DisplayFunction->Identity ];0; In[17]:= Show[ Graphics[{ Point /@ gp[[1,1,1]] }], AspectRatio->Automatic, Axes->True ];0; In[18]:= Show[ Graphics[{ Point /@ linearInterpolate[ gp[[1,1,1]], 1 ] }], AspectRatio->Automatic, Axes->True ];0; This program is used to increase resolution of arbitrary user generated graphics. This gives me better resolution control of transformations applies to the original image. Xah xah at; 74631.731 at Mountain View, CA, USA ==== [MESSAGE SEPARATOR] ====