[Date Index] [Thread Index] [Author Index]
- conformal mapping, Chuck Bond, 1996/09/02
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: conformal mapping, Xah Lee, 1996/09/05
- Re: Histogram plot, Allan Hayes, 1996/09/02
- Re: Books, hasmith, 1996/09/02
- Re: HELP:problems simplifying big matrices, Allan Hayes, 1996/09/02
- Re: 2-D Levy motion, richard j. gaylord, 1996/09/02
- Numerical integration, Noriaki Kinoshita, 1996/09/05
- vector field plot?, I am *not* John Keats!, 1996/09/05
- Mathematica Training Courses, Mathematica Training, 1996/09/05
- NOMOGRAM for 4 variables, PFM GmbH, 1996/09/05
- Re: Question for Mathematica, Andrei Constantinescu, 1996/09/05
- Re: problem with NonlinearFit, Skip Egley, 1996/09/05
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: problem with NonlinearFit, Paul A. Rubin, 1996/09/17
- random number generators, wilson figueroa, 1996/09/05
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: random number generators, Richard L. Bowman, 1996/09/20
- Mathematica on neural networks, Patrick Yuen, 1996/09/05
- Re: student query, Alexander A.P. Pokorny, 1996/09/05
- MM and Win95 installation, E.L. Salazar, 1996/09/05
- Re: How do I make mpeg movies?, Adam Shinbrot, 1996/09/05
- declaring variables, Burkhardt Goedde, 1996/09/05
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: declaring variables, Dr Stephen P Luttrell, 1996/09/13
- Re: declaring variables, Victoria Steblina, 1996/09/13
- Re: declaring variables, Daniel Lichtblau, 1996/09/17
- batch mathematica under win95, Laurent BOUAZIZ, 1996/09/05
- Re: List of x,y pairs to use with ListPlot, Victoria Steblina, 1996/09/05
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: List of x,y pairs to use with ListPlot, Seth J. Chandler, 1996/09/14
- memory use, Russell Towle, 1996/09/13
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: memory use, Harald Berndt, 1996/09/20
- Re: memory use, Paul A. Rubin, 1996/09/20
- Re: memory use, Mark Evans, 1996/09/27
- package loading via link, Arturas Acus, 1996/09/13
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: package loading via link, Yokoi Takahisa, 1996/09/17
- Re: package loading via link, Paul A. Rubin, 1996/09/20
- Re : problem with NonlinearFit, erase, 1996/09/13
- A Few Questions, I am *not* John Keats!, 1996/09/13
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: A Few Questions, P.J. Hinton, 1996/09/17
- Re: A Few Questions, Terry Harter, 1996/09/20
- Re: A Few Questions, John M Lee, 1996/09/20
- Vertical Lines (Boundaries), Larry Smith, 1996/09/13
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Vertical Lines (Boundaries), Allan Hayes, 1996/09/17
- Re: Vertical Lines (Boundaries), Harald Berndt, 1996/09/20
- Unable to load kernel, Cheng Li, 1996/09/13
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Unable to load kernel, Mark James, 1996/09/17
- Mathematica transcription in C language, Eric MUTEL, 1996/09/13
- differential equation, Ralph Gensheimer, 1996/09/13
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: differential equation, Paul A. Rubin, 1996/09/20
- equ. of 'ls' in 'Context' ?, Andrei Constantinescu, 1996/09/13
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: equ. of 'ls' in 'Context' ?, Andrei Constantinescu, 1996/09/17
- Re: equ. of 'ls' in 'Context' ?, Xah Lee, 1996/09/17
- Re: equ. of 'ls' in 'Context' ?, Victoria Steblina, 1996/09/17
- Re: equ. of 'ls' in 'Context' ?, Victoria Steblina, 1996/09/20
- Re: equ. of 'ls' in 'Context' ?, Harald Berndt, 1996/09/20
- Re: equ. of 'ls' in 'Context' ?, Paul A. Rubin, 1996/09/20
- Re: equ. of 'ls' in 'Context' ?, Mats Cedervall, 1996/09/20
- Re: equ. of 'ls' in 'Context' ?, Dave Wagner, 1996/09/20
- Re: equ. of 'ls' in 'Context' ?, Mats Cedervall, 1996/09/27
- m*y''[t]+c*y'[t]+k*y[t]==h/(a-y[t])^2, Barbara DECANINI, 1996/09/13
- Graphic for Conic Sections, Xah Lee, 1996/09/13
- linear congruential generator, David Cabana, 1996/09/13
- functional code, richard j. gaylord, 1996/09/13
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: functional code, Allan Hayes, 1996/09/17
- Re: functional code, Paul Abbott, 1996/09/17
- Re: functional code, hall robert, 1996/09/17
- Re: functional code, w.meeussen, 1996/09/20
- Re: functional code, Daniel Lichtblau, 1996/09/20
- Re: functional code, Count Dracula, 1996/09/20
- Re: functional code, hall robert, 1996/09/20
- Re: Re: functional code, Allan Hayes, 1996/09/27
- functional code, Xah Lee, 1996/09/27
- Re: functional code, hall robert, 1996/09/27
- [Q] ListPlotVectorField[], dave, 1996/09/13
- int'l mathematica symp. '97, richard j. gaylord, 1996/09/13
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: int'l mathematica symp. '97, Peder Thusgaard Ruhoff, 1996/09/17
- Re: Questions about labels, Victoria Steblina, 1996/09/14
- FindMinimum Termination Criteria?, Daryl Reece, 1996/09/14
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: FindMinimum Termination Criteria?, Paul A. Rubin, 1996/09/17
- Re: FrameTick position, Dirk Kautz, 1996/09/14
- help: Integrate[(1-x)^(-1/2)*(1-y)^(-1/2)/(x+y),{x,0,1},{y,0,1}], Owen Ernest Kelly, 1996/09/14
- About EPS GRAPHIC'S FORMAT, cserrat, 1996/09/17
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: About EPS GRAPHIC'S FORMAT, Joe Vallino, 1996/09/27
- Contours in a spherical projection, Paul Fons, 1996/09/17
- Plotting magnetic field lines, Ron Elsner, 1996/09/17
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Plotting magnetic field lines, Harald Berndt, 1996/09/20
- Re: Plotting magnetic field lines, Brian J. Albright, 1996/09/20
- Re: Plotting magnetic field lines, Tom Wickham-Jones, 1996/09/27
- Display a List of Graphics, Nodar Shubitidze, 1996/09/17
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Display a List of Graphics, Andrei Constantinescu, 1996/09/20
- Re: Display a List of Graphics, Harald Berndt, 1996/09/20
- Declaring Integer Variables, George Butler, 1996/09/17
- r^2 for non linear fits, Gustavo Delfino, 1996/09/17
- Help - transposing equation, N5PSI, 1996/09/17
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Help - transposing equation, Andrei Constantinescu, 1996/09/20
- Need program: simplify Boolean functions, Chen Zhi G, 1996/09/17
- Alternative Mathematica Sites, Neefster, 1996/09/17
- Wanted: Software reverse engineering developer, Robert Moore, 1996/09/17
- Re: Display Functions defined by Barycentric Coordinates, Paul A. Rubin, 1996/09/17
- Peter Coffee article, duanef, 1996/09/20
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Peter Coffee article, Mark Evans, 1996/09/27
- FindRoot problem, Arturas Acus, 1996/09/20
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: FindRoot problem, Robert Knapp, 1996/09/27
- optimal control, George Melikian, 1996/09/20
- Mathematica 3.0 Tour, Wolfram Research, 1996/09/20
- Need help running Mathematica for Windows, wesley evans, 1996/09/20
- Plotting functions, bn, 1996/09/20
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Plotting functions, Harald Berndt, 1996/09/27
- egpacks for windows NT, luc, 1996/09/20
- The Mathematica Programmer II, Roman Maeder, 1996/09/20
- Importing gif, tiff... (etc) as an array, Adriano Barenco, 1996/09/20
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Importing gif, tiff... (etc) as an array, Mark Evans, 1996/09/27
- Re: Importing gif, tiff... (etc) as an array, Harald Berndt, 1996/09/27
- egpacks compilation for windows NT, luc, 1996/09/20
- Help - using Dump["file"], Victoria Steblina, 1996/09/20
- Re: Native MMA FrontEnd for OS/2 eventually ?!, Paul A. Rubin, 1996/09/20
- Most recent version of mode for interacting with Mathematica?, Michael Hucka, 1996/09/20
- Book and Mathematica Notebooks, MATHEWS, 1996/09/26
- FindRoot, Ferruccio Renzoni, 1996/09/27
- MATHLINK FOR EXCEL, Didier J. Miras , 1996/09/27
- help for legend on 2-D graph., Xavier Foussereau, 1996/09/27
- Using Mma with Visual Basic & Visual C++, DR JOHN C ERB, 1996/09/27
- Re: legend for multiples curves on 2-D graph with mathematica, BobHanlon, 1996/09/27
- Scaling a 2-D graph to a 8.5*11 inches page, Xavier Foussereau, 1996/09/27
- programming competition, Xah Lee, 1996/09/27
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: programming competition, hall robert, 1996/09/27
- Black Holes & Mathcad, rev m coward, 1996/09/27
- BeOS and MATLAB or Mathematica, Eric LEWIN, 1996/09/27
- Delete and Backspace problems, Michael Serafin, 1996/09/27
- Mathematica and PPP, Christopher J. Henrich, 1996/09/27
- Different Plots in the Same Window?, bn, 1996/09/27
- Help - Compile[] problems, FrankEye, 1996/09/27
- Length of cubic polynomial (spline) ?, Julian Bushell, 1996/09/27
- Re: Slowdown of MMA running WIN95 and what to do about it, Rui J. S. Batista, 1996/09/27
- Optic For Sale-Best Offer, Paul, 1996/09/27
- HELP with ListPlotVectorField[], dave, 1996/09/27
- [bug!] ListPlotVectorField[], Johannes Schoon, 1996/09/27
- Pattern matching, Reinhard Simonovits, 1996/09/27
- list splitting, c. osborne, 1996/09/27
- pattern-matching and computer algebra sysytems, richard j. gaylord, 1996/09/27
- req. list sifting, c. osborne, 1996/09/27
- Patterns in Polygon[..] (?), daniele rizzi, 1996/09/27
- Thanks to every one for helping with the file plotting problem, lbliao, 1996/09/27
- Re: How to plot a date file? Some questions, some solutions., Richard L. Bowman, 1996/09/27
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: How to plot a date file? Some questions, some solutions., Victoria Steblina, 1996/09/27
- How to plot a date file? Some questions, some solutions., lbliao, 1996/09/27
- Problems running Mathematica 2.2.3 under Windows95, Alexander Schöne, 1996/09/27