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Re: Q: Processing file in Mathematica

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg7641] Re: [mg7627] Q: Processing file in Mathematica
  • From: seanross at
  • Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 03:36:04 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Lubosh wrote:
> I am relatively new to mathematica, only using simple features. I need to
> process a file in mathematica, and output it into a file again.
> More specifically the steps needed to be peformed in a cycle are:
> 1. Read the file - 5 numbers at a time - one row of a table
> 2. Perform an operation (FFT) on those 5 numbers
> 3. Output the result into another file.
> I would greatly appreciate if someone can give me a simple solution to this.
> Thanks,
> Lubosh
> *******If emailing back please Watch The SPAMStopper*********************
> --
> Lubosh Hanuska
> Division of Psychology
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No need to do it only 5 numbers at a time, make the whole input file
into a table with:

myfft=Map[Fourier,mydata]; (*this does an fft on each row of the data*)
streamout=OpenWrite["myoutputfile"];(*opens a channel for the output

There are certainly other ways to do this task.  Check out the commands
WriteAppend and section 2.10 of the mathematica book on file i/o.

Aside from that, why would you want to do an fft on only 5 points?  The
results certainly wouldn't mean very much.  Was this only a test case?

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