subsets (recursion homework)
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg9461] subsets (recursion homework)
- From: Daniel Lichtblau <danl>
- Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 02:40:07 -0500
- Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Joana Nunes de Almeida wrote: > > Hello, > > I'm doing a project for my Programming course, but I'm having some > trouble whith one of the exercises. > I must define a function where when we put in a list the function gives > back the different parts of the list. > > exp: parts[{1,2}] > gives: [{1,2},{1},{2},{}] > > NB: I must define the function recursivly Ana Morao wrote: > > Hi! My name=B4s Ana and I=B4m starting programming with mathematica ver= sion > 2.2. > > I have to solve a question, any help will be very appreciated!!!! > > I want to define a function that alows me to do the example with any > conjunct of elements. I have to use recursive programming > > Eg.: partes[{}]={{}} > partes[{1,2,3}]={{},{1},{2},{3},{1,2},{2,3},{1,2,3}} > > > Thanks in advanced > > Ana Morao I answered one by e-mail, before deciding it might be a mistake to give out homework solutions. I'll describe the basic idea below. If we want to get the power set (set of all subsets) of a set of k elements, we can remove one element, get the power set of what remains, then take the union of this with the subsets formed by augmenting all of these with the removed element. I believe the method used in the standard package DiscreteMath`Combinatorica` is along these lines. So a recursive definition will define the result for the empty set, then define the result for a set of positive length in terms of the result for a set of length one less. The actual code to do this is quite simple. I'm including it mostly because there are a few other things I'd like to say about the subset generation problem (and if you hand in my code for your homework, you mostly cheat yourself). subsets1[{}]={{}}; subsets1[x_List]/;Length[x]>0 := With[{x1=First[x],subp=subsets1[Rest[x]]}, Union[subp, Map[Append[#,x1]&,subp]]] subsets1[{a,b,c,d}] (* to check the code *) For a timing test I do aa = Array[a,17]; In[5]:= Timing[s1 = subsets1[aa];] Out[5]= {13.67 Second, Null} In[6]:= LeafCount[s1] Out[6]= 2359297 In[8]:= Length[s1] Out[8]= 131072 This is on a Pentium Pro running under Linux. I would hesitate to do this for significantly larger sets. Even 20 elements gave my machine some memory management problems (probably a problem in how we installed the OS, but even so, a few more elements brings us to a mucho-meg-memory requirement). Whenever I use Append I wonder if there is not a more efficient method. For example, the reference guide notes for Append in the manual indicate one might prefer to nest lists and use Flatten when done. subsets2[{}]={{}}; subsets2[x_List]/;Length[x]>0 := With[{x1=First[x],subp=subsets2[Rest[x]]}, Map[Flatten,Union[subp, Map[{#,x1}&,subp]]]] This works fine, but is a bit slower than subsets1. I believe this is because subsets1 is not far from optimal even using Append (now I've made that claim, no doubt some responses will contain faster methods). We use Append 2^k times (less one for the base case), and this is in fact the number of distinct subsets we require, so it is hard to come up with a more efficient constructor. Moral: nest-and-Flatten is fine for appending incessantly to the same list, but is not so good when one does O(1) Append per list. The question called for a recursive algorithm. Actually, it is quite a challenge (for me) to provide one that is not recursive. One way to do this is by making a Sequence of iterators, forming all possible {0,1} strings of length k, then using these to form subsets. It took me some fiddling with Flatten and other primitives before I got this working, and I am certain it can be done better, but here goes: subsets3[{}]={{}}; subsets3[x_List] /; Length[x]>0 := Module[{k,indx,indices,n=Length[x],l1}, indx = Array[k,n]; indices = Apply[Sequence, Map[{#,0,1}&, indx]]; l1 = Partition[Flatten[Table[k[j], Evaluate[indices], {j,1,n}]], n]= ; Map[Flatten, Table[If [l1[[m,j]]==1, x[[j]], {}], {m,1,2^n},{j,1,n}]] ] subsets3[{a,b,c,d}] This ran about twelve times slower than the first method, and I was not at all surprised. A different non-recursive algorithm might emulate subsets1 but using a simple loop instead of recursion to get the one-less-element case. But I doubt it would improve speed because the recursive call is made only n times for an input of length n, hence subroutine overhead is minimal. If instead we use some loop we run the risk that complicated code will contain some subtle slowness. Let me change the topic a bit. It is reasonable to ask why one might want the power set of a given set of k elements. For many purposes it might be better simply to work with the integers Range[0, 2^k-1] as elements. A value m in this range can represent a given subset by its binary string, where 1's stand for those elements in the subset. I believe this goes under the name of "indicator function" or something equally polysyllabic. I mention all this mostly to illustrate a bit of nice new bit-operation functionality in our version under development. For example, say we have a set of 100 elements. We can use integers in the range from 0 to 2^100-1 to represent subsets, and take a random subset of, say, 128 elements in the power set (that is, subset whose elements are subsets of the original set). Actually, there is nonsero probability that my subset contains stricly fewer than 128 elements, but this is still okay for the examples below. k = 100; len = 128; subs = Union[Table[Random[Integer,{0,2^k-1}], {len}]]; A reasonable question might be: "How many elements of subs contain the third element of the original set?" To answer this we represent the elements of the original set as "bit masks", that is, integer powers of two. masks = Table[2^m, {m,0,k-1}]; So the third element of the set is masks[[3]], which is 2^2, or 4. We form the function that takes an integer and computes its bit-wise AND with masks[[3]]. We Map this function over the subset list subs, then count the number of elements in the result that are positive. The bit-wise operation has masked out all but the third binary digit of each member of subs, so the positive values resulting (all will be 4) are from those member that have a third binary digit set. func = BitAnd[masks[[3]],#]& In[26]:= Count[Map[func, subs], _?Positive] Out[26]= 72 Okay, easy enough. How about "How many members of subs contain the sixth and eleventh elements of the original set, but not the fourteenth?" (one might expect on average that this would be about an eighth of the number of elements in subs). Same idea. func2 = BitAnd[masks[[6]]+masks[[11]]+masks[[14]], #]& crit = (#==masks[[6]]+masks[[11]])& In[31]:= Count[Map[func2, subs], _?crit] Out[31]= 13 What about "How many elements contain at least two from among the fourth, tenth, twentyeighth, and fifty-first elements of the original set?" As before, we first mask appropriately. func3 = BitAnd[masks[[4]]+masks[[10]]+masks[[28]]+masks[[51]],#]& Now we simply Count all those masked values whose DigitCount is at least two (by default the new function DigitCount will look at binary digits). In[38]:= Count[Map[func3, subs], _?(DigitCount[#]>=2&)] Out[38]= 79 Daniel Lichtblau Wolfram Research danl at