Re: Fractal grammars/creation
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg9384] Re: Fractal grammars/creation
- From: "Xah" <xah at>
- Date: Sun, 2 Nov 1997 01:02:17 -0500
- Organization:
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
In article <63etm1$k0c at>, Kushner <maxnco at> wrote: >I am trying to generate fractals via transformations. This involves >methods used by Hilbert, Peano, and Mandelbrot, among others. >(how to) ... Mathematica is perhaps the best tool for doing this, and there are a lot codes about it out there. At the end of this message is a quick code that recursively generates a 30-60-90 triangle tiling. After that is a more general code that needs my package PlaneTiling.m. (available at my website) The general version allows you to generate all recursive graphics with the condition that each shape can be defined in terms of its parent shape. (write to me if you want detail) Robert Dickau has done a lot on fractals with Mathematica. See his web site <> Xah, xah at Mountain View, CA, USA ------------- (*30-60-90 triangle tiling*) Clear[rule]; rule=tri_triangle:>Module[{p1,p2,p3,p4,p5}, {p1,p2,p3}=List@@tri; p4=(p2-p1)*2/3+p1; p5=(p3-p1)/2+p1; {triangle[p1,p5,p4],triangle[p3,p5,p4],triangle[p3,p2,p4]} ]; gp=Nest[((#/.rule)&), N at triangle[{0,0},{Sqrt[3]/2,0},N at {Cos@#,Sin at #}&@(2*Pi/12)],4]; gp2=gp/.triangle[a_,b_,c_]:>{Line[{a,b,c,a}]}; Show[Graphics[{gp2}],AspectRatio->Automatic]; ------------- (*sphinx tiling*) Needs["PlaneTiling`"]; Clear[shapePrimitive]; shapePrimitive::"usage"= "shapePrimitive[sidedness:(True|False),s,\[Alpha],{x,y}] represents a shape \ having sense sidedness, scale s, orientation \[Alpha], and position {x,y}."; Clear[x,y,z,shape]; x=({Cos at #,Sin at #}&)@0*1/6; y=({Cos at #,Sin at #}&)@(2*Pi/6)*1/6; z={0,0}; shape=List at Polygon[{z,6*x,2*x+4*y,2*x+2*y,2*y}]; Clear[transformationRule]; transformationRule= shapePrimitive[m_,s_,\[Alpha]_,{x_,y_}]:>{ shapePrimitive[Not at m,s*1/2, \[Alpha]+2*Pi/2,{x,y}+({Cos at #,Sin at #}&)@(\[Alpha])*s*1/2], shapePrimitive[Not at m,s*1/2, \[Alpha]+2*Pi/2,{x,y}+({Cos at #,Sin at #}&)@(\[Alpha])*s], shapePrimitive[Not at m,s*1/2, \[Alpha],{x,y}+({Cos at #,Sin at #}&)@(\[Alpha]+If[m,1,-1]*2*Pi/6)*s*2/6], shapePrimitive[m,s*1/2, \[Alpha]+ If[m,1,-1]*2*Pi/6*2,{x,y}+({Cos at #,Sin at #}&)@(\[Alpha])* s+({Cos at #,Sin at #}&)@(\[Alpha]+If[m,1,-1]*2*Pi/6*2)*s*1/6]}; Clear[initialImage]; initialImage=shapePrimitive[True,1,0,{0,0}]; Clear[shapePrimitiveCollection]; shapePrimitiveCollection=NestList[(#/.transformationRule)&,N at initialImage,3] ; Clear[finalImageGP]; finalImageGP= shapePrimitiveCollection/.shapePrimitive[m_,s_, \[Alpha]_,{x2_,y2_}]:>( Translate2DGraphics[{x2,y2}])@( Rotate2DGraphics[{0,0},\[Alpha]])@( Transform2DGraphics[#*s&])@( If[m,Identity,Reflect2DGraphics[{1,0}]])@shape; Show[Graphics[{ N at Last@finalImageGP/.poly_Polygon:>{ RGBColor[Random[],Random[],Random[]],poly}}], AspectRatio->Automatic,Frame->True];