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More: tantamount error messages when interupting

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg8607] More: tantamount error messages when interupting
  • From: "K. Nikolaj Berntsen" <knb at>
  • Date: Tue, 9 Sep 1997 03:07:21 -0400
  • Organization: News Server at UNI-C, Danish Computing Centre for Research and Education.
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Some time time ago I posted a question without the documentation, there
was one response with an answer I wasn't looking for (but thanks
anyway). Now I have reproduced the error without crashing mathematica,
so here goes again, with documentation.

I have the annoying problem, that once in a while when I interrupt a
calculation with <alt>+<.> MMA3.0 start splurting out error messages in
the messages window: 

For example I input the following (whre c[i,j] is an array of not so
nice functions):

In[]:  	NullSpace[Table[c[i,j][[1]],{i,1,8},{j,1,8}]
	/.c[1]->.4,c[2]->.3,c[3]->.2, c[4]->-.5]

Where I had forgotten the braces about the replacement rules. Hitting
"evaluate" I got the first error message:

    "Option specification \!\(\(c[4]\) \\[Rule] \(-\*StyleBox[\"0.5`\",
Rule[PrintPrecision, 1], Rule[StyleBoxAutoDelete, True]]\)\) in \
\!\(NullSpace[\(\\[LeftSkeleton] 1 \\[RightSkeleton]\)]\) is not a rule
for a \

Realising my error I hit <alt> + <.>, then, in the messages I got loads
of messages like (in the messages window):

Front End Message
An unknown box name (Rational) was sent as the BoxForm for the
expression. Check the format rules for the expression.
Front End Message
An unknown box name (Power) was sent as the BoxForm for the expression.
Check the format rules for the expression.

Front End Message
An unknown box name (c) was sent as the BoxForm for the expression.
Check the format rules for the expression.

Front End Message
An unknown box name (Times) was sent as the BoxForm for the expression.
Check the format rules for the expression.

Obviously I do not care about this message and just want to correct my
typo without having to wait for mathematica to finish its messages.

It can take literally hours on a pentium 150 to finish, it can even
crash mathematica (linux does not crash :-)

Is there a way to turn off the messages? Can I get of this annoying
feature by upgrading to 3.01?

Happy computing,
| Ph.D. stud., cand.scient.				     |
| K. Nikolaj Berntsen					     |
| Office: Department of Structural Engineering and Materials |
|	  Technical University of Denmark		     |
|	  Building 118, room 152			     |
|	  DK-2800 Lyngby				     |
|	  Tel +45 4525 1769				     |
|	  Fax +45 4588 3282				     |
| URL:                         |
|                        |

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