Re: rician random number
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg15145] Re: [mg15117] rician random number
- From: BobHanlon at
- Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 03:11:19 -0500
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
In a message dated 12/12/98 7:21:11 AM, gcseng at writes: >Anyone knows how to generate random number base on the rician >probability density function. > >The rician pdf is given by: > >f(r)=(r/sigma^2)*exp(1)^(-1*(r^2+A^2)/(2*sigma^2))*Io(r*A/sigma^2) > >where 2*sigma^2 is the average power in the scatter component of the >fade, and Io(.) is the modified Bessel function of the first kind and >zeroth order. > See the notebook below. Bob Hanlon _____________________ Notebook[{ Cell["Needs[\"Statistics`ContinuousDistributions`\"];", "Input"], Cell[TextData[{ "Unprotect[RicianDistribution];\nClear[RicianDistribution];\n\ RicianDistribution::\"usage\" = \n \"RicianDistribution[A, \[Sigma]] \ represents the continuous Rician\n distribution (also known as Nakagami-Rice \ or n-distribution)\n with parameters A and \[Sigma]. Special case: Rayleigh \ (A\[NonBreakingSpace]= 0).\";\nRicianDistribution/: \n\t", StyleBox["Domain", FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], "[RicianDistribution[___]] := \n\t\tInterval[{0, Infinity}];\n\ RicianDistribution/: \n\t", StyleBox["PDF", FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], "[RicianDistribution[A_, \[Sigma]_], r_ /; !Positive[r]] := 0;\n\ RicianDistribution/: \n\t", StyleBox["PDF", FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], "[RicianDistribution[A_, \[Sigma]_], r_] :=\n\t\t\ (r/\[Sigma]^2)*Exp[-(r^2+A^2)/(2*\[Sigma]^2)]*BesselI[0, r*A/\[Sigma]^2];\n\ RicianDistribution/: \n\t", StyleBox["Moment", FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], "[RicianDistribution[A_, \[Sigma]_], n_] := \n\t\t2^(n/2) \[Sigma]^n \ Gamma[1 + n/2] * \n\t\tLaguerreL[n/2, -A^2/(2 \[Sigma]^2)];\n\ RicianDistribution/: \n\t", StyleBox["Mean", FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], "[RicianDistribution[A_, \[Sigma]_]] := \n\t\t\ Evaluate[Moment[RicianDistribution[A, \[Sigma]], 1]];\nRicianDistribution/: \n\ \t", StyleBox["Variance", FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], "[RicianDistribution[A_, \[Sigma]_]] := \n\t\tEvaluate[Simplify[\n\t\t\t\ Moment[RicianDistribution[A, \[Sigma]], 2] - \n\t\t\t\ Mean[RicianDistribution[A, \[Sigma]]]^2]];\nRicianDistribution/: \n\t", StyleBox["StandardDeviation", FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], "[RicianDistribution[A_, \[Sigma]_]] := \n\t\t\ Evaluate[Sqrt[Variance[RicianDistribution[A, \[Sigma]]]]];\n\ RicianDistribution/: \n\t", StyleBox["GeneralizedMean", FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], "[RicianDistribution[A_, \[Sigma]_], t_] := \n\t\tSqrt[2] \[Sigma] (Gamma[1 \ + t/2] * \n\t\tLaguerreL[t/2, -A^2/(2 \[Sigma]^2)])^(1/t);\n\ RicianDistribution/: \n\t", StyleBox["HarmonicMean", FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], "[RicianDistribution[A_, \[Sigma]_]] := Evaluate[\n\t\t\ GeneralizedMean[RicianDistribution[A, \[Sigma]], -1]];\nRicianDistribution/: \ \n\t", StyleBox["GeometricMean", FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], "[RicianDistribution[A_, \[Sigma]_]] := \n\t\tA*Exp[1/2*Gamma[0, A^2/(2*\ \[Sigma]^2)]];\nRicianDistribution/: \n\t", StyleBox["CDF", FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], "[RicianDistribution[A_, \[Sigma]_], r_ /; !Positive[r]] := 0;\n\ RicianDistribution/: \n\t", StyleBox["CDF", FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], "[RicianDistribution[A_ /; A == 0, \[Sigma]_], r_] := \n\t\t1 - \ Exp[-(r^2/(2*\[Sigma]^2))]; (* Rayleigh *)\nRicianDistribution/: \n\t", StyleBox["CDF", FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], "[RicianDistribution[A_ /; A > 0, \n\t\t\[Sigma]_ /; \[Sigma] > 0], \ r_?NumericQ] := \n\t\tNIntegrate[PDF[RicianDistribution[A, \[Sigma]], x], \n\t\ \t{x, 0, r}];\nRicianDistribution/: \n\t", StyleBox["InverseCDF", FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], "[RicianDistribution[A_ /; A == 0, \[Sigma]_], x_] := \n\t\t-I \[Sigma] \ Sqrt[2 Log[1 - x]]; (* Rayleigh *)\nRicianDistribution/: \n\t", StyleBox["InverseCDF", FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], "[RicianDistribution[A_ /; A > 0, \n\t\t\[Sigma]_ /; \[Sigma] >0], x_ /; x \ == 0] := 0;\nRicianDistribution/: \n\t", StyleBox["InverseCDF", FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], "[RicianDistribution[A_ /; A > 0, \n\t\t\[Sigma]_ /; \[Sigma] > 0], x_ /; 0 \ < x < 1] := \n\t\tModule[{\[Mu] = Mean[RicianDistribution[A, \[Sigma]]]}, \n\t\ \tr /. FindRoot[CDF[RicianDistribution[A, \[Sigma]], r] == x, \n\t\t{r, 0.9*\ \[Mu], 1.1*\[Mu]}]];\nRicianDistribution/: \n\t", StyleBox["CharacteristicFunction", FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], "[\n\t\tRicianDistribution[A_ /; A == 0, \[Sigma]_], t_] := \n\t\t\ Evaluate[CharacteristicFunction[\n\t\t\tRayleighDistribution[\[Sigma]], t]];\n\ RicianDistribution/: \n\t", StyleBox["Random", FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], "[RicianDistribution[A_ /; A > 0, \[Sigma]_ /; \[Sigma] > 0]] := \n\t\t\ Sqrt[Random[NormalDistribution[A/Sqrt[2], \[Sigma]]]^2 + \n\t\t\ Random[NormalDistribution[A/Sqrt[2], \[Sigma]]]^2];\nRicianDistribution/: \n\t\ ", StyleBox["RandomArray", FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], "[RicianDistribution[\n\t\tA_ /; A > 0, \[Sigma]_ /; \[Sigma] > 0], \ n_Integer] :=\n \t\tTable[Random[RicianDistribution[A, \[Sigma]]], {n}];\n\ SetAttributes[RicianDistribution, ReadProtected];\n\ Protect[RicianDistribution];" }], "Input"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData["PDF[RicianDistribution[A, \[Sigma]], r]"], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(TraditionalForm \`\(\[ExponentialE]\^\(-\(\(A\^2 + r\^2\)\/\(2\ \[Sigma]\^2\)\)\)\ r\ \(\(I\_0\)(\(A\ r\)\/\[Sigma]\^2)\)\)\/\[Sigma]\^2\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData[{ StyleBox["You can generate a Rician distribution by\n\n\tR = ", "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ \(TraditionalForm\`\ at \(X1\^2 + \ X2\^2\)\)]], StyleBox["\n\t\nwhere X1 and X2 are Normal(", "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ \(TraditionalForm\`A\/\ at 2\)]], StyleBox[", \[Sigma])", "Text"] }], "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["\<\ a = 1.; s = 1.3; StringForm[\"Mean = ``, HarmonicMean = ``, \tGeometricMean = ``, Variance = ``\", \tMean[RicianDistribution[a, s]], \tHarmonicMean[RicianDistribution[a, s]], \tGeometricMean[RicianDistribution[a, s]], \tVariance[RicianDistribution[a, s]]]\ \>", "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ InterpretationBox[ "\<\"Mean = \\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`1.86183681097358029`\\), \ HarmonicMean = \\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`1.19606693921935125`\\), GeometricMean \ = \\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`1.58090709532633084`\\), Variance = \ \\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`0.91356368930372831`\\)\"\>", StringForm[ "Mean = ``, HarmonicMean = ``, GeometricMean = ``, Variance = ``", 1.8618368109735803, 1.1960669392193513, 1.5809070953263309, 0.91356368930372822], Editable->False], TraditionalForm]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["\<\ data = RandomArray[RicianDistribution[a, s], 100]; StringForm[\"Mean = ``, HarmonicMean = ``, \tGeometricMean = ``, Variance = ``\", \tMean[data], HarmonicMean[data], \tGeometricMean[data], Variance[data]]\ \>", "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ InterpretationBox[ "\<\"Mean = \\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`1.95989245581850539`\\), \ HarmonicMean = \\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`1.21310954273725202`\\), GeometricMean \ = \\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`1.6096711243730823`\\), Variance = \ \\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`1.17650576601308132`\\)\"\>", StringForm[ "Mean = ``, HarmonicMean = ``, GeometricMean = ``, Variance = ``", 1.9598924558185054, 1.213109542737252, 1.6096711243730824, 1.1765057660130813], Editable->False], TraditionalForm]], "Output"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell["\<\ Plot[{PDF[RicianDistribution[a, s], r], \tCDF[RicianDistribution[a, s], r]}, {r, 0, 5}, \tPlotRange -> All];\ \>", "Input"] }, FrontEndVersion->"Macintosh 3.0", ScreenRectangle->{{0, 1024}, {0, 748}}, CellGrouping->Manual, WindowSize->{611, 709}, WindowMargins->{{204, Automatic}, {Automatic, 0}}, ShowCellLabel->False, MacintoshSystemPageSetup->"\<\ 00<0001804P000000]P2:?oQon82n at 960dL5:0?l0080001804P000000]P2:001 0000I00000400`<300000BL?00400 at 0000000000000006P801T1T00000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000\>" ]