MathGroup Archive 1998

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Launching a front end notebook from a Kernel (mathlink & Borland C++) (fwd)

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg15224] Launching a front end notebook from a Kernel (mathlink & Borland C++) (fwd)
  • From: "Richard W. Singerman" <rws at>
  • Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 01:04:01 -0500
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I can send expressions such as b = Sqrt[9] from my c++ code to a
mathematica kernel and have the kernel stay around after the c++
program is finished. And, if I type "b" directly into the kernel, I get
3 back from the kernel.  Great!

Graphics,however, are another issue.  I'd like to get nice graphics.  I
played around with various notebook commands, but I don't seem to be
able to create a mathematica notebook from the kernel. I get a no
FrontEndObject error.
Ideally, I want to send  a 2d or 3d array from my c++ code to
mathematica (which I should be able to do now) and follow that with a
call (from the c++ code) to ListPlot3d on the array data.  I can just
use MLPutFunction, etc for the call, but I want the results in a

To summarize, I want to create a mathematica frontend notebook via
sending a command directly to the kernel (via mathlink), and I want
results (eg graphics) generated by this kernel to appear in the


ps. I tried looking at the sample custom front ends in the developers
kit unsupported folder, but that didn't seem to help too much.

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