Re: RealValued functions and derivatives
- To:
- Subject: [mg10753] Re: RealValued functions and derivatives
- From: Allan Hayes <>
- Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 00:44:49 -0500
- References: <6as9r0$>
Ernesto Rico-Schmidt wrote: > > Hello Mathematica Group! > > I'm having some troubles with some symbolic differential equations > that include functions with real and complex parts. I'm marking these > functions as RealValued but the mark doesn't seem to remain valid if I > apply derivatives to the function. Marking them with RealValued > doesn't work, I get a message "Recursion depth of 256 exceeded". > .......[Ernesto's example is used below] > > Is there any way to convince Mathematica that the derivatives are also > real valued? Ernesto: Here is a trick that should work in more general situations: In[1]:= <<Algebra`ReIm`; Im[t] ^= 0; RealValued[ux, uy, u1, u2, u3]; The trick is this: Make two lists of replacement rules; the first list {u1'-> du1, u2'-> du2,u3'-> du3,u4'-> du4}, replaces derivatives with symbols that have been made RealValues and the second list reverses this (use replacement rather than assignments (= and :=) to avoid circularity) In[2]:= RealValued[du1,du2, du2,du3]; rl1={u1'-> du1, u2'-> du2,u3'-> du3,u4'-> du4}; In[3]:= rl2= Reverse/@rl1; Having made these, proceed as before: In[4]:= u = 2/3 (Exp[I phi1] u1[t] + Exp[I phi2] u2[t] + Exp[I phi3] u3[t])/. {phi1->0, phi2->2/3 Pi, phi3->4/3 Pi}; In[5]:= u = ExpToTrig[u]; In[6]:= us[t_] := Re[u] + I Im[u]; In[7]:= Re[D[us[t],t]] Out[7]= Im[u2'[t]] Im[u3'[t]] 2 Re[u1'[t]] Re[u2'[t]] -(----------) + ---------- + ------------ - ---------- - Sqrt[3] Sqrt[3] 3 3 Re[u3'[t]] ---------- 3 Finally use the rules In[8]:= %/.rl1/.rl2 Out[8]= 2 u1'[t] u2'[t] u3'[t] -------- - ------ - ------ 3 3 3 -- Allan Hayes Training and Consulting Leicester, UK voice: +44 (0)116 271 4198 fax: +44 (0)116 271 8642