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Re: Re: Formatting posts

>> Now I simply remove all graphics and append an ASCII version of the
>> Notebook at the end of the message.

And the reason I do this, rather than attach the Notebook, is that it
simply does not work (I assume because MathGroup is moderated and the
moderation process affects the attachment).  I have certainly managed
to attach Notebooks to postings to other newsgroups.

>That is what I was hoping to get people not to do.  In spite of the
>directions included in the header of the notebook, I have never been
>able to get mathematica to recognize a file saved in a text editor as a

I do this all the time: in a text editor, select all text between

	Notebook[ ...

and simply paste into an open Mathematica Notebook.  Mathematica will
ask you if you want to interpret the text.  Say yes, and voila ...

A really good reason for posting Notebooks rather than InputForm is that
I like using greek symbols, TraditionalForm notation, and operators
such as \[Del], and this is not so easy using InputForm.


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