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Re: output to a file

Nilay Saha wrote:
> Hello everyone,
>    I have a fairly simple problem to which I have not found a solution.
>  I have a mathematica program which outputs a set of sets of
> parameteres. I wish to write the output to a data file so that I can
> manipulate it .
>   Say I have command in my programme which is: Print[n,' ',t,' ', s4],
>    where n, t, s4 are the parameters which I evaluate within loops.
> What I get is a printed output. Upto here it is OK. But now I wish to
> write the output to a data file say "correl.dat" in the same form as
> print.
> Is it possible?
>   Thanks a lot for bearing with me. Bye , Regards,
> Nilay Saha
> Kamerlingh Onnes Lab,
> 2300RA Leiden,
> Postbus 9506,
> Leidn,
> The Netherlands.
> Phone: (0031)71 527 5476.

This is how I do it.  

Close[streamout]; Clear[streamout];

It is important that if you include any kind of a pathname in your
output file, like c:\mystuff\today\correl.dat, that you test it first
by putting it in quotes and seeing what the string  actually is.  In
the example I made up, the \t would be interpreted as a tab character,
so you would need to use c:\mystuff\\today\correl.dat instead.

Remove the _nospam_ in the return address to respond.

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