MathGroup Archive 1998

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creating animations (newbie)

Background: I am trying to create an animation from a linear
transformation of a polygon. I have gotten as far as creating an array
of graphics objects that I wish to animate. I can then use
ShowAnimation[] to animate them. The problem, however, is that the
transformation dialates the plane. Therefore, when I create a graphics
object using Polygon[], I would like the relative sizes of the polygons
to be correct, but they are all displayed at the same size (the x and y
ranges are adjusted so that the figure fills the entire graphics

My question is this: how can I tell the Polygon[] or ShowAnimation[]
functions to draw the polygons so that the relative sizes are correct
(ie in the same x and y ranges)??  

Yes, this is for a class project. Yes, it is o.k. for me to recieve help
in creating the Mathematica code.

Thank you in advance.
Barry J. Wark

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -- Albert Einstein

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