MathGroup Archive 1998

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Re: plot coloring wrote:
> Hola, all;
>   I'm looking for a way to color lines.  Say I have a data set
> {{{x,y},...{xn,yn}},{{x1,y1}....{xn1,yn1}},.....} and I want to plot
> each of the points in the set with different colors.  I've tried using
> Map to change the values of r,g,b but they all change byt the same
> amount, thus, the lines are always the same color.  How do I vary r,g,b
> selectively and uniquely so that I get different colors for each line?

If pts is a list of ordered pairs and colors is a list of GRBColor
expressions of the same length, then with

you should see what you're looking for

Or if you want the lines of different color, try something like


(I'm using Rest here since Length[Partition[pts,2,1]] =Length[pts]-1 )

Ken Levasseur

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