MathGroup Archive 1998

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Can someone explain the following behavior?

In[48]:= $Version

Out[48]= HP9000 Series 700 2.2 (May 7, 1993)

In[49]:= Integrate[Exp[-(1-x)^2]/Sqrt[x],{x,0,Infinity}]

On::none: Message SeriesData::csa not found.

         I      2          1  1
Out[49]= - Sqrt[-] BesselK[-, -]
         2      E          4  2

In[50]:= N@%

Out[50]= 0.411862 I

In[51]:= NIntegrate[Exp[-(1-x)^2]/Sqrt[x],{x,0,Infinity}]

Out[51]= 1.97373

What is the meaning of csa?

Thanks for any help

************************************************* *  Andrea Bellettini  
* *  Sapporo-shi kita-ku                          * *  kita 21 nishi
7-2-32                         * *  Devex 217 #205                     
* *  001 Japan                                    * *  tel.   
-81-11-7366970                       * *  e-mail    *

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