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RE: Is UNDO that limited in Mathematica3.0/Win95?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg13356] RE: [mg13304] Is UNDO that limited in Mathematica3.0/Win95?
  • From: "Barthelet, Luc" <lucb at>
  • Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 02:50:10 -0400
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Yes you are right. and it is a pain. I wish Wolfram would add a text
"trash" where all deleted text of a session would accumulate. There
could be some option like only keeping text from input cells text
cells, but not output cells. This would have saved me quite a few hours
over the years. It became a bigger pain since I work a lot on a laptop
where the delete key is not far from the backspace key.

General Manager Maxis
GM at day, Mayor at Night.

-----Original Message-----
From: L. Dwynn Lafleur [mailto:lafleur at] To:
mathgroup at
Subject: [mg13356] [mg13304] Is UNDO that limited in Mathematica3.0/Win95?

Being a bit sloppy (or weary) on occasions, I often find myself using
the menu selection "Edit|Undo" to recover from accidental editing
errors when typing text into either input cells or text cells. 
However, it seems the Edit|Undo selection is not applicable to editing
involving an entire cell.  For example, if I accidentally delete a cell
from the notebook by highlighting its bracket, then pressing the delete
key, it seems to be gone forever.

Am I correct, or have I messed something?  Is there any way to recover a
deleted cell? 


=========================================== L. Dwynn Lafleur Professor
of Physics
The University of Southwestern Louisiana Lafayette, Louisiana  (USA)
lafleur at               

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