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Re: automatic numbering and referencing

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg12788] Re: automatic numbering and referencing
  • From: "-don." <dexter at>
  • Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 04:05:23 -0400
  • Organization: University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
  • References: <6l8102$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I've received responses to the below post which point me to a very good
tutorial at

Therein, one may learn how to perform automatic numbering/referencing
with a few mouse clicks and a bit o' typing....  while this is indeed
usefull, and
perhaps the only way to solve the problem, it seems needlessly

A bit more clearly,...
the tutorial noted above has you create an equation and set the CellTag
to be
"Pythagorian Theorem" and then create a reference to it with
CounterBox[NumberedEquation, "Pythagorian Theorem"].
 what would be very desireable is to be able to simply "link" the
reference to
the referenced equation without specifying the string "Pythagorian

what is desired is to be able to assign a (perhaps arbitrary) CellTag to
numbered quantity via the Style Sheet (or via a button click) and then
this CellTag and paste it into a CounterBox[type, CellTag] via a palette

i'm aware that this may involve fairly complex FrontEnd programming, but
think of how cool it would be to be able to perform automatic
with a mouse click... you don't want to give a fixed string name to
every numbered
equation you're likely to use later on, especially if your paper is of
the sort where
every equation is numbered and there's lots of lines like "inserting
(25) into (14)
and differentiating as in (8), we obtain..."  Who wants to name each of
equations independantly?

i suspect i haven't described this at all well.  if that's the case,
send me
email and i'll try to be more clear.  responses in the form of answers,
references, or further questions greatly appreciated.... either to this
newsgroup or to dexter at

regards, and thanx


-don. <dexter at> wrote in article <6l8102$mr9 at>...

> now that i'm able to number sections, chapters, equations, etc. w/ ease,
> the next
> problem to arise is the ability to reference that number elsewhere in
> the text.
> (e.g. "we see from equation (12) that...").  this needs to be done in
> such a way that
> if an equation is inserted before the one being referenced, so that the
> referenced
> equation becomes number (13), then the reference to it will also change.
> in the above mentioned web site,


>he states this can be accomplished by
> the  ambitious by using the functions CounterLabel and CounterReference
> which  he says "don't quite work yet".  There is no reference to these
> in any documentation.
> anyone here know how to accomplish this task -- with or without the
> above  functions?
> responses either here or to dexter at mucho appreciated.
> -don.

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