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Re: error messages

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg12894] Re: error messages
  • From: Kay <Kay-Uwe.Kasemir at Physik.Uni-Osnabrueck.DE>
  • Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 03:44:18 -0400
  • Organization: Physik
  • References: <6m7geg$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Dustin <dsoodak at> wrote in article
<6m7geg$gra at>...
> Since error messages in Mathematica are recursive, it isn't too uncommon
> to get infinite recursion.

Hi all!

While I don't have ann answer, I would like to add my problem to the
list because it also concernes error messages, more specific: how to
catch them.

Being given a number of different possible values for parameters, I am
trying to find a solution for some equations with "FindRoot".

Some parameters are OK and hence FindRoot gives me a solution, others,
however, are bad so FindRoot sends error messages and returns some
irrelevant numbers.

As a human I can see if there were error messages and decide to ignore
that "solution".

How can I automate this, e.g. write something like

if (sol1=FindRootFindsASolutionFor[parameter1])
	return sol1;
if (sol2=FindRootFindsASolutionFor[parameter2])
	return sol2;



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