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Re: Is there an online documentation ???

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg12931] Re: [mg12855] Is there an online documentation ???
  • From: Sean Ross <seanross at>
  • Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 03:44:49 -0400
  • References: <>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Julius Bahr wrote:
> Hi everybody
> i`m seeking for an online-documentation of Mathematica for a beginner.
> I`m a college student who has to write an essay about fractals so I`d
> be also interrested in a book and/or online docu that covers that
> field. Your help is much appreciated, thanks in forward Greetings
> Julius

The mathematica book or its on-line form is a description of the
language.  It doesn't really have any applications.  Most beginners
don't feel that the on-line documentation is that much help.  I
recommend a paper copy of the mathematica book and one of the 3rd party
tutorial books listed on Wolframs website.  I own "Power Programming
with Mathematica: The Kernel", by Wagner and "Introduction to
programming with Mathematica" by Gaylord.  Both are helpful.  Neither
are a substitute for a paper copy of "the mathematica book".  If
someone could invent on-line documentation that had an electronic
equivalent to "thumbing through the pages" and a "common sense synonym"
index, then the on-line documentation would suffice, but until then,
you need a paper copy.

The fractals question seems unrelated.  If you are interested in
fractals, get the original "The fractal Geometry of Nature" by Benoit
Mandelbrot.  I would bet that your college library has a copy.  It
doesn't cover much of the computational specifics, but it sure covers
the concepts.

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