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Previous variable affects "/."

I am using "/." to change expressions, as follows:

 {1, 2}, {3, 4}, {5, 6}, {7, 8}}; In[2]:
 /. {x_,
y_} -> {x}
Out[2]:{1}, {3}, {5}, {7}}
The results are expected.

But, if I now define x to be something already, e.g. In[3]: ;

Then, when I do the Replace, Mathematica uses my previously-defined x, as follows

 /. {x_, y_} -> {x}
Out[4]:{7}, {7}, {7}, {7}}

I tried to even wrap it inside of a function, to have x as a local
variabe, as
In[5]:[v_] :odule[{x, y}, v /. {x_, y_} -> {x}];

But, it still used the x defined previously: In[6]:[a]
Out[6]:ยป7}, {7}, {7}, {7}}

This is no problem when I'm just creating and using variables in one
because I can remember which variables I created. But, I have such
statements sprinkled inside of functions that I defined. I cannot
remember all
the symbols I used in those definitions. Even worse, I may not get an
message - I just may get the wrong result without knowing it.

How can I use the Replace and x_, and make sure that previously-defined
variables don't influence the results?

Vilis O. Nams
Dept of Biology, NSAC
Box 550, Truro, NS,  Canada
vnams @

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