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Re: Problem with EPSTIFF

>Hi, All,
>I am unable to make the Display "EPSTIFF" work in Win95.  I am using
>Version 3.0 for Students.  The message I get seems odd, as I am typing
>the command correctly (as far as I know):
>Display["HPA_Plot2.eps", %, "EPSTIFF"]
>And the response is:
>Display::"noform": "!("EPSTIFF") is not a recognized Display format. The
>formats include !("EPS, EPSTIFF, Metafile, GIF, TIFF, Illustrator, MGF,
>MPS, PCL, PDF, PBM, PSImage")."
>All other formats work fine.
>Clearly "EPSTIFF" is supposed to be supported, but does not work.  I am
>using Win95 op system.
>Any help will be appreciated.  I have contacted Wolfram Research, but no
>response (Presumably because it is a Student edition..., even though a
>legal registered copy...)
>John Brooks


This is a problem in V3.0.0.0.  EPS with TIFF preview is supported but
you must refer to it as "EPS-TIFF" rather that "EPSTIFF".  The
following should work:

Display["HPA_Plot2.eps", %, "EPS-TIFF"]

In V3.0.1.x, this problem is fixed.

Tom Zeller

PS.  Herewith I defend Wolfram Technical Support's honor:

I looked up your problem in the support and student support email queues
and found a response sent on 3/11/98.  Looking at the date on this
post, it may be that that reply did not get to you before you sent your
post to mathgroup.
However, the address you gave in your email was,
which is different by one letter from the one you give in this message.
If that address was incorrect, that would explain why you have not
gotten the reply.  I am cc'ing this to both addresses.

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