MathGroup Archive 1998

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Bug or feature in Eigensystem[]?

Dear Mathematica users

Usually, given a real symmetric matrix, Eigensystem[] returns what
anyone would expect: real eigenvectors.  But about one time in a
thousand (for my example matrices, see below), it turns out that
Eigensystem[] returns complex eigenvectors.

This behavior occurs sporadically even for real numerical matrices that
are nonsingular, symmetric, and diagonally dominant, with sparse
off-diagonal entries -- these are exactly the matrices that
Eigensystem[] *should* handle most easily.  The matrices need not be
large -- my examples are dimension {18,18}.

Because of this bug -- or is it a "feature"? -- better call it a
"behavior" -- there seems to be no reliable way on my platform (a Mac
PowerBook G3) to compute the real orthonormal eigenvectors of a real
symmetric matrix -- so I am quite distressed & would welcome
suggestions.  I would particularly appreciate it if other  people would
try to reproduce this behavior on their platforms.

I have posted a notebook which duscusses this behavior at:
It does not seem to be discussed on the Mathematica support page:
but it *should* be discussed there -- this behavior can really  can
really mess up a quantum mechanical calculation.  And even if you know
it is present, it is not clear how to fix it. Advice is welcome.

Thanks ... JAS

John A. Sidles, Ph.D.               email:
Associate Professor                 phone: (206) 543-3690 Department of
Orthopaedics          FAX:   (206) 685-3139 Box 356500, School of
Medicine      PAGE:  (206) 989-9462 (to page me, University of
Washington                   dial, await "beep", enter Seattle WA
98195-6500   USA                phone number, press "#")

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