Display - Funkion
- To: mathgroup@smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg11746] Display - Funkion
- From: phbrf@t-online.de (Peter Breitfeld)
- Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 03:09:13 -0500
- Organization: T-Online
Hallo, I use Mathematica 3.0 for Linux and found a weird behavior of the function Display: In[1] 1ot[x^2,{x,-2,1}] p2ot[Sin[x],{x,-2,2}] p3RstPlot[{1,2,3,4}] All three graphics show up fine and can be saved using Display["p1.eps",p1,"EPS"] etc. p4Áow[p1,p2] can be saved to an .eps with Display too, but p5Áow[p1,p3] cannot be saved this way. The resulting file will not be made. I think it's because this is a mixture of Plot and ListPlot. But why? es grDFt - Peter -- P e t e r B r e i t f e l d eMail: phbrf@t-online.de Kreuzgasse 4, 88348 Saulgau, Germany PGP public key available