MathGroup Archive 1998

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reading Fortran unformatted files

Greetings all.

I would like to be able to read (and possibly write) unformatted fortran
output files. The standard add-on package Utilities`BinaryFiles` is not
the answer, since fortran unformatted output records (at least on unix
machines) are padded at both ends with extra bytes. Most scientific
software systems, e.g., idl, have a simple switch in their open
statements to do this, but seemingly not Mathematica. Presumably, one
would also need to specify BigEndian or LittleEndian, depending on
which computer was being used.

In principle, one could hack Utilities`BinaryFiles` to strip or append
the necessary bytes. However, this assumes a knowledge of what these
bytes actually are. Has anyone out there made such a hack, or some
other workaround?

-- Paul Cally


+----------------------------------------------------------------+ |Dr.
Paul Cally         |    Ph:  +61 (0)3 9905-4471             |
|Mathematics Department |    Fax: +61 (0)3 9905-3867             |
|Monash University      |      |
|Clayton, Victoria 3168 | or          |
|AUSTRALIA              | |

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