MathGroup Archive 1998

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[Q] binding mouse buttons in XMathematica?

I am running Mathematica 3.0 on a Linux box.  I have a Microsoft
IntelliMouse, which Linux recognizes by binding 1) a turn of the scroll
wheel away from the user as clicking mouse button 4 and 2) a turn of
the scroll wheel toward the user as clicking mouse button 5.  See
<> for more info on

I would like to now bind mouse button 4 (5) to a command that scrolls
the Mathematica notebook up (down).  From looking at 
I see that I have to modify the line:

*XmNotebook.baseTranslations: \
#override \n\
<Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: selection-put() \n\ <Btn2Down>: selection-get() \n\
<KeyPress>osfPaste: paste-from-clipboard() \n\ <KeyPress>osfCopy:

(or add something to override this in my .Xdefaults file). I know from
other examples from the above-cited web page that the modifications
would be lines like:


However, I don't know that name of the appropriate X action to put on
the right hand side of such a statement.  A found a Mathematica 2.2
notebook which contained the contents of an article from "The
Mathematica Journal", Vol.4, Issue 2 (the WWW reference is
FrontEnd/X/0206-053>).   This article mentioned that all the default
key bindings are listed in Appendix E of "The User's Guide for the X
Front End", but I have been unable to locate this book.  I imagine that
this book lists the available X actions to which one can bind
keystrokes. This is the information I need.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Jordan Koss

Jordan Koss

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