MathGroup Archive 1998

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"self" message/WhoAmI code that can be executed by a Notebook

Functionality: I would like to have several notebooks, say foo.nb,
bar.nb, and baz.nb, with a way of getting the notebook objects, say
-foo-, -bar-, and -baz-, that correspond to the appropriate notebook. 
Each notebook would have some initialization code that would get it's
own object and establish a global variable associating it's name and
object. -------------------------------------------- Motivation: I
would like to do some rule based programming using simple games to
start with (even tic-tac-toe...)  Notebook foo.nb would have my code,
while notebook bar.nb would contain the game board and means for making
moves.  (Notebook bar.nb is just featherbedding at the moment.)
-------------------------------------------- History: Remember OPS5?
How about YAPS? (Yet Another Production System, from a researcher at
the University of Maryland if I recall)
-------------------------------------------- Thanks in advance,
WendyTango (can never find a partner for a branle or bouree)

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