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Hi Group;

I have found ComplexExpand useful and sometimes necessary. (Try  DSolve[
u''[t]+u'[t]+u[t]==0,u[t],t] to see why something like  ComplexExpand
is necessary.)  The reason for this post is that I would like to share
with those interested in these things, some uses that I have found for
ComplexExpand that do not seem to be explicit in the literature that I
have seen. Here are a group of functions that assume all variable are
real unless explicitly stated to the contrary in the manner of

(1)  RealPart[z_] := ComplexExpand[ Re[z] ]

(2)  ImaginaryPart[z_] := ComplexExpand[ Im[z] ]
(3)  From these two functions it is easy to define, AbsoluteValue,
CartesianForm and ComplexConjugate to supplement the limitations of the
built-in functions Abs and Conjugate. For example,

CartesianForm[z_] := RealPart[z]+I*ImaginaryPart[z]  

These functions have some amusing features.  Here is one trivial
example. When ComplexExpand is applied to (1+2I)*Exp[I*x]  we get the
mildly unsatisfactory 

(I have been unable to use any form of Collect or Expand to separate the
real and imaginary parts.)  However,

CartesianForm[(1+2I)*Exp[I*x]] -> Cos[x]-2Sin[x]+I(2Cos[x]+Sin[x])
does the job nicely.

I have tested these functions fairly extensively and found they work
without untoward surprises. But in doing so I have run into a minor
"weaknesses" of ComplexExpand that I would like to see Wolfram
incorporate into some later version.  In particulular, ComplexExpand
does not simplify Abs[x+I*y] nor does it simplify 
Cos[Arg[Cos[x]+I*Sin[x]]].  I would like to see this:

ComplexExpand[Abs[x+I*y]] -> Sqrt[x^2+y^2]


ComplexExpand[Cos[Arg[Cos[x]+I*Sin[x]]]] -> x

as well as similar identities using Sin or Tan in place of the first Cos
in the latter formula.

I have incorporated these and similar rules into my use of  RealPart
etc. and founda substantial simplification is possible.  Consider, 


with and without these simmplification rules!

Oh yes.  After using DSolve as above, try out 

RealPart[u[t]/."output of DSolve"]

I hope this is useful to someone.  If anyone out there has done some
thinking about these issues and would like to share them with me and
the group, I would be delighted.  I am most interested in corrections
and improvements!  

Jack Goldberg

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