Re: ComplexExpand
- To:
- Subject: [mg12297] Re: [mg12275] ComplexExpand
- From: Daniel Lichtblau <>
- Date: Thu, 7 May 1998 18:51:33 -0400
- References: <>
Jack Goldberg wrote: > > Hi Group; > > I have found ComplexExpand useful and sometimes necessary. (Try DSolve[ > u''[t]+u'[t]+u[t]==0,u[t],t] to see why something like ComplexExpand > is necessary.) I should note that in version 3 DSolve handles this more nicely so one need not post-process with ComplexExpand. > The reason for this post is that I would like to share > with those interested in these things, some uses that I have found for > ComplexExpand that do not seem to be explicit in the literature that I > have seen. Here are a group of functions that assume all variable are > real unless explicitly stated to the contrary in the manner of > ComplexExpand. > > (1) RealPart[z_] := ComplexExpand[ Re[z] ] > > (2) ImaginaryPart[z_] := ComplexExpand[ Im[z] ] > > (3) From these two functions it is easy to define, AbsoluteValue, > CartesianForm and ComplexConjugate to supplement the limitations of the > built-in functions Abs and Conjugate. For example, > > CartesianForm[z_] := RealPart[z]+I*ImaginaryPart[z] There is an in-house suggestion that we implement CartesianForm and PolarForm functions. They would return ordered pairs of the form {re,im} (resp. {abs,arg}). > These functions have some amusing features. Here is one trivial > example. When ComplexExpand is applied to (1+2I)*Exp[I*x] we get the > mildly unsatisfactory > > (1+2I)*Cos[x]-(2-I)*Sin[x] > > (I have been unable to use any form of Collect or Expand to separate the > real and imaginary parts.) However, > > CartesianForm[(1+2I)*Exp[I*x]] -> Cos[x]-2Sin[x]+I(2Cos[x]+Sin[x]) > > does the job nicely. Yes. I should note that ComplexExpand doing otherwise was probably a small bug. It works better in our development version. In[13]:= ComplexExpand[(1+2I)*Exp[I*x]] Out[13]= (1 + I) Cos[x] - (2 - I) Sin[x] > I have tested these functions fairly extensively and found they work > without untoward surprises. But in doing so I have run into a minor > "weaknesses" of ComplexExpand that I would like to see Wolfram > incorporate into some later version. In particulular, ComplexExpand > does not simplify Abs[x+I*y] nor does it simplify > Cos[Arg[Cos[x]+I*Sin[x]]]. I would like to see this: > > ComplexExpand[Abs[x+I*y]] -> Sqrt[x^2+y^2] > This was a judgement call. We opted to allow Abs, etc. be used in results except when explicitly excluded by not appearing in a TargetFunctions list. So returning Abs[x+I*y] is okay since the job of ComplexExpand is to separate into real and imaginary parts and Abs[...] is indeed explicitly real. In[9]:= ComplexExpand[Abs[x+I*y], TargetFunctions->{Re,Im}] 2 2 Out[9]= Sqrt[x + y ] > and > > ComplexExpand[Cos[Arg[Cos[x]+I*Sin[x]]]] -> x This one is more difficult. In[7]:= ComplexExpand[Cos[Arg[Cos[x]+I*Sin[x]]], TargetFunctions->{Re,Im}] Out[7]= Cos[ArcTan[Cos[x], Sin[x]]] Possibly Simplify or FullSimplify should be made to convert this to x. > as well as similar identities using Sin or Tan in place of the first Cos > in the latter formula. > > I have incorporated these and similar rules into my use of RealPart > etc. and founda substantial simplification is possible. Consider, > > ComplexExpand[(Cos[x]+I*Sin[x])^(1/3)] > > with and without these simmplification rules! > > Oh yes. After using DSolve as above, try out > > RealPart[u[t]/."output of DSolve"] > > I hope this is useful to someone. If anyone out there has done some > thinking about these issues and would like to share them with me and > the group, I would be delighted. I am most interested in corrections > and improvements! > > Jack Goldberg Daniel Lichtblau Wolfram Research
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: Re: ComplexExpand
- From: Daniel Lichtblau <>
- Re: Re: ComplexExpand
- References:
- ComplexExpand
- From: Jack Goldberg <>
- ComplexExpand