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Re: graphics question

In the book by Smith and Blachman: The Mathematica Graphics Guidebook
(covering Version 2), they define a function which ensured that
whatever origin you select is part of the graphis range. This is on p.
237 - 239. If you don't have access to the book, email me back and I
will type in the code. I have had this problem before and remember the
reference. Maybe it is available on Math source - the function is named

Silvia Heubach

>Hello everyone, I have a problem with plotting a set of points and I
>hope someone can help me.  I first create two sets of x and y values.
>xvals=Table[Random[Integer, {40,100}], {5}]
>yvals=Table[Random[Integer, {40,100}], {5}]
>Then I create a list of ordered pairs from these values
>points=Transpose [{xvals,yvals}]
>Now, I would like to plot these, but I want to have the origin at (0,0).
>When I plot these points, since they are located quite "far" from the
>origin I get a gap in the axes.
>ListPlot[points, AxesOrigin->{0,0}]
>Is there anyway to deal with that?  Thank you for any help you  might

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