MathGroup Archive 1998

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number theory

I have been trying to use Mathematica to get integer solutions to
problems, but am beating my head against the wall.

Can one use Mathematica to give an exact solution in a situation like
the following?

An automobile travels at a speed exactly 20 times faster than John can
walk, but less than 65 mph. John walks exactly at a whole number speed
(integer) between 1 and 4 mph (1, 2, 3, or 4 mph). What are the speeds
the car might travel?

Answer:  20, 40, or 60 mph.

It doesn't work for me to enter:

Solve[{IntegerPart[walking] * 20 == driving, walking >0, walking < 5,
driving < 66}, driving]

I would be greatly indebted if someone could tell me if or how this
problem can be solved with Mathematica.

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