MathGroup Archive 1998

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Re: how to start Solve[] with an initial solution guess?

Bill Christens-Barry wrote in message <6jf6bv$>...
>I have a system of equations that Mathematica 3.0 bogs down on for most
>problems of interest.  I would like to seed a solution that is found
>for one set of parameters into the routine for finding the solution of
>a "nearby" problem (meaning one with only slightly different parameter
>How can I do this?  I have tried including a set of conditions (bounds)
>on the solution space as inequalities in the system of equations to be
>solved, but Mathematica gagged on the form of the inequalities.
>Are there other methods of launching Solve[] from an initial trial
>Should I be trying to learn how to instruct Solve[] on what methods it
>should be using?  If so, where can I learn about this?
>Examples that illustrate any explanation would be especially helpful.

A quick response  -will need some progamming to get it automatic

eqns = {x+5 == 3};

soln =Solve[eqns,x]
{{x -> -2}}

nearsoln1= {{x->-2 +dx}}[[1]];



Allan Hayes
Mathematica Training and Consulting
Leicester UK
voice: +44 (0)116 271 4198
fax: +44(0)116 271 8642

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