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waterfall plot in Mathematica

In Matlab there is a 3-D (surface) plot command called "waterfall". This
command produces a surface plot with meshline in only one direction--
i. e. a surface ruled by a collection of parallel curves.

I have not been able to figure out how to make such a plot with
Mathematica. There is no option to change the style of one set of
meshlines in "Surface" graphics object. I could use "StackGraphics" and
"ParametricPlot" to plot a set of parallel lines, but then the lines
that ought to be hidden by the `surface' show through and the plot is a
mess. I even tried to simultaneoulsy plot a white, meshless surface and
the set of stacks parametric lines, but the lines get all mixed up in
the surface.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

	David Trubatch 

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