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Re: X-windows interface

In <6joj7o$>, Heinz Juergen Schulz <> writes:
>Hi, does anyone know whether there is a reasonably complete
>documentation on how to configure the X-windows notebook interface? i
>have the crazily ambitious goal to produce the greek letter alpha by
>the same combination of keystrokes under mathematica and, lets say,
>emacs (which I use to produce laTeX). After solving that problem, I
>might turn to beta and even more ambitious goals, but as thay say here,
>"even dwarfs start out small".
>cheers, heinz
I have also searched for documentation of the notebook frontend (X or otherwise),
without success.  There is supposedly a book coming out by Theodore Gray and
Neal Soiffer on this subject, but I have found no reference to it yet on Wolfram's
web site.


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