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Complex Hadamard Matrix

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg14224] Complex Hadamard Matrix
  • From: ymura at (Hideya YAMAMURA)
  • Date: Wed, 7 Oct 1998 03:00:50 -0400
  • Organization: R&D, Toyoda Automatic Loom Works, Ltd., Japan.
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


There is some complex matrix A, which is 8 x 8's square matrix.

	A * B = n E

B shows complex conjugate transpose matrix of A, * means multiply, n is
number of column or row. Additionally, E means unitary matrix. The
element of A takes +1, -1, +i, or -i.

In mathematica, I would like to know how to solve before mentioned

Thank you so much for any help or suggestion.

Hideya Yamamura

 ($B3t(B)$BK-ED<+F0?%5! at =:n=j(B  $B5;=Q3+H/8&5f=j(B 
       $B;3B<(B $B=(Lo(B (Hideya Yamamura) Phone: 0562-48-9115/Fax:
0562-48-9180 E-mail: ymura at

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