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Re: ListPlot (and many other questions about graphics)

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg14336] Re: ListPlot (and many other questions about graphics)
  • From: Martin Kraus <mkraus at>
  • Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 00:28:42 -0400
  • Organization: Regionales Rechenzentrum Erlangen, Germany
  • References: <6vhn34$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

David Djajaputra wrote:
> Hello,
> If I have a datafile in the following format
> x1  y1  z1
> x2  y2  z2
> ...
> xn  yn  zn
> What is the simplest way to plot it using ListPlot, ie. without having
> to fool around with the ascii file? Should I use other commands to do
> it? The format that seems required by ListPlot really does not make
> much sense to me, though I'm sure people at Mathematica have their
> reasons to do it that way. Any comment on this?
> Thanks,
> David

Hi David,

you can read the data with ReadList and plot it with ScatterPlot3D (from
the Graphics`Graphics3D` package).

There is an adaption of Tom Wickham-Jone's graphics tutorial in the web,
explains this in sections 2.1 (ReadList) and 2.3 (ScatterPlot3D). (The
graphics need Java and some time to load, but can be rotated in
once they are shown.)
The URL is:

The tutorial (or the web adaption) cover most common questions on
Mathematica graphics (for example implicit plots, the argument of the
removing meshes, changing plot style with ParametricPlot3D, etc.)

But certainly it is easier to ask in this newsgroup! ;)



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