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Re: Cut and paste edits misaligned

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg14126] Re: Cut and paste edits misaligned
  • From: gwinn at (Joe Gwinn)
  • Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 03:15:52 -0400
  • Organization: Gwinn Instruments
  • References: <6ud0vg$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

It turned out that item 1 was the solution.  Thanks to the many people
who pointed this out, including Wolfram Tech Support:

> This is a bug in Mac OS 8.0 and 8.1. Please see
> for
> the related FAQ and patch.

I also nuked the front-end cache, just in case it too was causing
trouble, as I could see no harm in trying this.


In article <6ud0vg$13m at>, Eric Strobel
<EStrobel at> wrote:

> Approach this methodically!

No, no, no....   A silver platter is much better.

> 1) As I recall, there were some funny things that went on having to do
> with  the Appearance Manager.  There's a patch (the URL escapes me...).

This was the cause.
> 2) Check your extensions.  Since things worked just fine for a while 
> (presumably under MacOS 8.1), you've either added an extension or
> changed a  setting on an extension which is then interfering with
> Mathematica.  If you use  Conflict Catcher, you can sort the extensions
> list by date installed to  narrow down the culprits.
> 3) Have you run Norton or Disk First Aid?
> 4) Have you tried moving your Mathematica preferences, so Mathematica
> has to resort to using
> defaults?  Wierd problems sometimes track to a bad preferences file.
> 5) Check your fonts.  Every once in a while, a font file will develop a 
> glitch and you'll either crash when using the font, or get cosmetic 
> problems.  If this is the problem, simply replace the font file.
> BTW, items 2-4 apply to almost any problem on the Mac and probably
> handle 90% 
> of all problems.  Notice too that I haven't even mentioned viruses. 
> Even  with the recent "explosion" of viruses, the fact remains that the
> Mac is  roughly *two orders of magnitude* behind PCs on virus count. 
> Most Mac  viruses are MS Office macro viruses that afflict both Windows
> & MacOS.  I'd  classify nearly all the remaining known Mac viruses as
> extinct.  I've been  using the Mac for more than 13 years and have
> never been infected.  In all  this time I've received only two or three
> infected files which were promptly
> caught by virus checking software.  I'm getting long-winded here because
> folks on the Mac often see a glitch and think 'virus' when that should
> be  *way* down on the list of suspects.  [My guess is that anti-virus
> software is 
> competent enough that even on Windows, 'virus' is probably not the first
> thing
> to worry about...]
> - Eric.
> gwinn at  wrote:
> >I have recently been observing some weird behaviour in Mathematica 3.0.1
> >for PowerPC under MacOS 8.1.  Everything else seems to work, although I
> >get weird error messages from time to time.
> >
> >The problem appeared only a few months ago, long after the initial
> >installation of Mathematica 3.0.1.  Reinstalling Mathematica didn't
> >help, and no other application is afflicted.  It does not appear to be
> >a virus.
> >
> >The behaviour is that when editing text on the screen, the edit happens
> >a few characters away (usually to the left) from the blinking edit
> >point bar.  One can in fact do editing with this behaviour, but it's
> >slow and error prone.  The oddity seems to be confined to the current
> >line, and I have never seen Mathematica become confused about which
> >line it's on.
> >
> >Another odd behaviour that started at about the same time is that
> >Mathematica variables will get a tail, a hard space to the right.  This
> >space cannot be deleted, and interferes with editing because the
> >insertion point is usually off by a few characters.
> >
> >These oddities affect editing, but seem otherwise harmless.  Sliding the
> >image offscreen and then back may fix the displayed line, but doesn't
> >affect the misalignment, once started.  Not all lines are affected.
> >Quitting Mathematica and re-launching seems to reset the problem, so
> >most lines are unaffected.
> >
> >
> >Does anyone have any idea what causes this, and how to fix it?
> >
> >My suspicion is that some obscure option has somehow been set.
> >
> >
> >Joe Gwinn

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