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Covariance Matrix

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg17090] Covariance Matrix
  • From: Gianfranco Zosi <zosi at>
  • Date: Sat, 17 Apr 1999 03:34:57 -0400
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Question: How does Mathematica calculate the CovarianceMatrix ?

I have the following simple data set (4 points)

          i       1       2      3      4

         Xi       -0.6  -0.2   +0.2    +0.6

         Yi       5(2)   3(1)   5(1)   8(2)

The value in () is the uncertainty (one sigma).
I wish to estimate the best (Gauss) parameters of the
fitting parabola AND the Covariance Matrix.
I have done the calculations
case A) following usual matrix technique
case B) using the command Regress in Mathematica (see attached program)

Results: the coefficients of the parabola are OK but
         the two covariance matrices are different

Case A)  Cov Matrix =   0.664   0    -2.54
                        0      3.85    0
                        -2,54   0     24.48

Case B)  Cov Matrix     0.229868    0      -0.878906
                         0       1.33136    0
                        -0.878906   0       8.45102

If my matrix (case A) is correct, it seems that Mathematica  does not
follow the standard definition

       Cov Matrix =  (aT  W  a)**(-1)

  where aT is the  transpose of a  and

      a =  1   -0.6  (-0.6)**2
           1   -0.2  (-0.2)**2
           1   +0.2  (+0.2)**2
           1   +0.6  (+0.6)**2

      W =   1/4    0    0    0
             0     1    0    0
             0     0    1    0
             0     0    0    1/4

I have noticed that

i) the ratio of the coefficients of the two matrices
   is about 2.89, but it does not say much to me
ii) the coefficients of the Mathematica Correlation Matrix coincide
    with mine

  ----- begin of my Mathematica program with Regress ------------

data = {{-0.6,5.},{-0.2,3.},{0.2,5.},{0.6,8.}};

onesigma= {2.,1.,1.,2.};
weig= Map[1/#^2 &,onesigma];
aa= ListPlot[data];
b= Fit[data,{1,x,x^2},x];
c= Plot[b,{x,-0.6,0.6}];

datafit = Regress[data,{x^0,x^1,x^2},x,Weights->weig,

  ------------ end of my Mathematica program ----------

Many thanks for your help and clarification.

Dip. Fisica Generale "A. Avogadro"
v. P. Giuria 1 - 10125 Torino - Italy
phone + 39 11 670 7426 (7425)

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