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Re: Border on Tables

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg17112] Re: Border on Tables
  • From: Paul Abbott <paul at>
  • Date: Sat, 17 Apr 1999 03:35:08 -0400
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Hi Jeff:

>Thanks so much for the response.  I was really looking for a way to also put
>column headings on my table and format the precision on the numerical output.
>Based on your response I am able to meet my needs by using a Table and
>appending a list of labels.  Let me know if you have a better suggestion.
>The number formatting part was harder then I thought.  The numbers come out in
>scientific form with oodles of decimal places.

The following Notebook

which was presented as a tutorial at the 10th anniversary Mathematica
conference, has an example of the exact type you are after See Section 6:

1. Introduction
2. References and Tools
3. Basics
4. Stylesheets
5. Document Structure
6. Creating a Table
7. Conversion to TeX or HTML
8. Summary


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