Re: Element Extraction
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg19307] Re: [mg19240] Element Extraction
- From: "Carl K.Woll" <carlw at>
- Date: Sat, 14 Aug 1999 23:42:43 -0400
- Organization: Department of Physics
- References: <>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Hi all, I thought I would give a comparison of the various solutions provided, along with a couple of new ones by yours truly. (* Hayes *) hamming[1][lis_,tar_]:= Cases[lis,x_/;Count[MapThread[SameQ,{target,x}],False]<=1] (* Park *) hammtest[p : {_, _, _}, t : {_, _, _}] := Count[Abs[t - p], 0] > 1; hamming[2][lis_,tar_]:=Select[lis,hammtest[#,tar]&] (* Kozlowski *) dist[a_, b_] := If[a === b, 0, 1] SetAttributes[dist, Listable] hamming[3][lis_,tar_]:=Select[lis, Apply[Plus, dist[tar, #]] <= 1 &] (* Hanlon *) hammingDistance[x_?VectorQ, y_?VectorQ] /; Length[x] == Length[y] := Plus @@ MapThread[If[#1 == #2, 0, 1] &, {x, y}]; hamming[4][lis_,tar_]:=Select[lis, hammingDistance[tar, #] < 2 &] (* Woll #1 *) Clear[closeEnough]; closeEnough[{True,True,True}]=True; closeEnough[{True,True,False}]=True; closeEnough[{True,False,True}]=True; closeEnough[{False,True,True}]=True; hamming[5][lis_,tar_]:=Module[{ans}, SetAttributes[SameQ,{Listable}]; ans=Select[lis,closeEnough[SameQ[#,tar]]&]; ClearAttributes[SameQ,{Listable}]; ans] (* Woll #2 *) Clear[success] success[True,True,True]=0; success[True,True,False]=0; success[True,False,True]=0; success[False,True,True]=0; hamming[6][lis_,tar_]:=Module[{ans,t,len=Length[lis]}, SetAttributes[SameQ,{Listable}]; t=SameQ[testlist,Table[tar,{len}]]; ans=lis[[Flatten[Position[Apply[success,t,1],0]]]]; ClearAttributes[SameQ,{Listable}]; ans] In[22]:= target = {0, 0, 1}; In[263]:= testlist = Table[{Random[Integer, {0, 2}], Random[Integer, {0, 2}], Random[Integer, {0, 2}]}, {10000}]; In[381]:= Do[Print[Timing[r[i]=hamming[i][testlist,target];]],{i,1,6}] r[1]==r[2]==r[3]==r[4]==r[5]==r[6] {2.703 Second,Null} {3.937 Second,Null} {3.969 Second,Null} {5.234 Second,Null} {1.125 Second,Null} {0.969 Second,Null} Out[382]= True Carl Woll Dept of Physics U of Washington Kew Joinery wrote: > Hello everyone, > I have a problem extracting list of list. > Given some list, consisting of elements (not all of them distinct) with > the same length and some target list of the same length, for example: > In[26]:= > someList={{0,0,0},{0,0,1},{0,0,2},{0,1,0},{0,1,1},{0,1,2},{0,2,0},{0,2,1},{0, > > 2,2},{1,0,0},{1,0,1},{1,0,2},{1,1,0},{1,1,1},{1,1,2},{1,2,0},{1,2,1},{1, > > 2,2},{2,0,0},{2,0,1},{2,0,2},{2,1,0},{2,1,1},{2,1,2},{2,2,0},{2,2,1},{2, > > 2,2}}; > > In[27]:= > target={0,0,1}; > > Hamming distance between two bit strings means the number of bit > positions in which they differ. For example consecutive elements of the > Gray code list have Hamming distance = 1. > I need to extract these cases(elements of someList) which differ from > target in one coordinate (Hamming distance = 1) or less (the > element===target itself//Hamming distance=0), so the answer should be: > > In[33]:= > answer={{0,0,0},{0,0,1},{0,0,2},{0,1,1},{0,2,1},{1,0,1},{2,0,1}}; > > How could I achieve the extraction efficiently? > Thank you in advance for any suggestions. > Eugene
- References:
- Element Extraction
- From: (Kew Joinery)
- Element Extraction