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Re: how long is a long evaluation?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg19474] Re: [mg19452] how long is a long evaluation?
  • From: "Mark E. Harder" <harderm at>
  • Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 15:53:04 -0400
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

    An ineligant method: Put a print statement inside the suspect part of
the code.  If no output results from the Print, then the program never got
there! If the program is just slow, there should be *some* output
ting.    -mark

-----Original Message-----
From: psalzman at <psalzman at>
To: mathgroup at
Subject: [mg19474] [mg19452] how long is a long evaluation?

>dear all,
>i have a triple integral of a gaussian and a bunch of step functions of 4
>variables.  the expression is not that difficult, but it's not exactly 2+2
>last night i started Mathematica on it.  went to bed 4 hours later and when
i looked
>in the morning, it had reported "out of memory" (i have 96MB).
>next i tried doing the integral with only one of the step functions to see
>if that sped things up.  so far it's been 4 hours and Mathematica is still
>i'm beginning to suspect that the way i've entered the integral is wrong.
>i asked the department "mathematica guru" but he had no words of wisdom for
>1- is there a way of telling if Mathematica is still plugging away or is
just hung
>in some kind infinite loop?   can i see what Mathematica is working on at
any given
>moment?   what is a reasonable maximum time for a difficult symbolic triple
>integral?   has anyone had something like this that ran for more than 4
>hours?  (dual PII/266)
>2- would someone be kind enough to look at this notebook?  it's 4 cells
>long (so it's terribly short) and i'm sure if there's a mistake, it will be
>glaring to the trained eye.
>my *sincerest* thanks to anyone who can help.

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