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Simple Import/Plot Question

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg19509] Simple Import/Plot Question
  • From: com3 at (Steve Comstock)
  • Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 15:53:25 -0400
  • Organization: Netcom
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I'm on the bottom of the Mathematica 3.0 learning curve and need to
perform an insanely simple task that is a breeze in other packages.

I need to import ascii data from a text file. The ascii data is in a
matrix form such that the data in the first column is (for example)
"Time", the data in the second column could be the temperature at
location 1 at the time indicated by the position of the row, and
Column 3 is the temperature at location 2 also at the time indicated
by its row. . . . etc.

In other words, if the first value of the first column is zero, then
the first value of the second column is the temperature at time zero
etc. In this way, all values on a given row share the same Time value
(very similar to how you would construct a spreadsheet).

I need to import this data into mathematica and maintain the
"columnized" format of the data by assigning a name to each individual
column. Then I need to plot Column 1 vs Column 2,  Column 1 vs Column
3 and Column 2 vs Column 3.

Can anyone point me in the right direction ?

I've tried ReadList but I don't see how to tell it that I'm talking
about distinct column vectors.

Thanks in advance


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