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Re: PhasePlane Diagrams or Poincaire maps

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg17442] Re: PhasePlane Diagrams or Poincaire maps
  • From: "Peltio" <peltDOT.ioNOS at>
  • Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 04:43:50 -0400
  • Organization: Peltio Inc.
  • References: <7grf8d$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Gary Reich wrote
>Can someone tell me how do either one of these with mathematica

I think you'll find something of interest by browsing the mathsource
For the phase plane I wrote a very primitive procedure that has served me
well until now, so I didn't feel the need for new ones, but I recall a
mathsource item named PhasePlot...

Anyway, these two books come along with packages and examples that will help
you do phase planes and Poincare's sections.
You can check them out on their web sites (I'm sorry I can't tell you more,
but any search engine will do the work for you).

Gray, Mezzino, Pinsky
"Ordinary differential equations with Mathematica:
a media approach"

Gerd Baumann
"Mathematica in theoretical physics"

Hope that helps,

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