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Re: Simple Question: 2graphs in one?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg17506] Re: [mg17462] Simple Question: 2graphs in one?
  • From: BobHanlon at
  • Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 19:53:14 -0400
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

In a message dated 5/9/99 1:12:44 PM, kalina at writes:

>Can anybody tell me how I can plot 2 graphs (e.g. x^2 AND -x^3) in ONE
>I only know: Plot[x^2, {x, -5, 5}] ... but how to add a second graph?


"Plot[f, {x, xmin, xmax}] generates a plot of f as a function of x from xmin \
to xmax. Plot[{f1, f2, ... }, {x, xmin, xmax}] plots several functions fi."

Plot[{x^2, -x^3}, {x, -5, 5}];

Bob Hanlon

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