Plots and text, Fontsize
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg19864] Plots and text, Fontsize
- From: El alchemista <jaimeco at>
- Date: Sun, 19 Sep 1999 01:20:47 -0400
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Hi all: I have this text file with a bunch of commands for mathematica. I basically have two questions. 1 - I have defined some text in "te". I would like to increase the size of the plus sign so I am using FontSize->24. When I run my file through math, the size of the + sign does not change using such values as FontSize-> 72 (1 inch). It does work when I read the file in mathematica and save it as a notebook. Question: How can I force the size command while running in line mode? Most of the time I do not ahve access to an X-windows terminal so I have to work using the line command (math). 2 - Plots and text. By the end of the file I would like to assign names to the plots. in p1, p2 etc. to each of the lines in the plots. Is there a way to add text to a plot? I would like to avoid the use of plotlegend. I would really appreciate your help or comments. Thanks Flatten [{"new", Date []}] >> out ; Off [General::spell1] ; { c[1] , c[2] , c[3] } = { - 41/10 , 19/6 , 7 } ; pi = 8Pi^2 ; { r[1] , r[2] , r[3] } = { 59 , 29.6 , 8.4 } / (4 Pi) // N ; y[i_,s_] := pi (4/s - r[i]) / c[i] ; r[i_,b_,x_] := x - c[i]b / pi d4[b_,x_] := Module [ { to1 = 17/20 , to2 = 9/4 , to3 = 8 } ,Evaluate [ 6 - (to1 / r[1,b,x] + to2 / r[2,b,x] + to3 / r[3,b,x]) r4[b] ] / (8 Pi^2) // N ] d5[b_,x_] := Module[ { r54 = r5[b]/r4[b] , hi3=27/1600 , hi2=9/2, hi1=4 } , Evaluate [ hi1 (4 + 2 r54 - r54^2) - hi2 ( .2 / r[1,b,x] + 1 / r[2,b,x]) r5[b] + hi3 ( 3 / r[1,b,x]^2 + 10 / (r[1,b,x] r[2,b,x] ) + 25 / r[2,b,x]^2 ) r5[b]^2 ] / (8 Pi^2) // N ] Module [ { sa = 1.06 , sb = 1.26 , ya = 25 , yb = 35 , n = 19.01 , arto = arhi = {} , rowt , rowh , sys , v = 246 } , li[i_] := Line [ { { sa, y[i,sa] } , { sb, y[i, sb] } } ] ; te = Text[StyleForm [ "+" , FontSize -> 24] , {1.18, 29} ] ; t1 = Text [ 1 , {1.18, 27} ] ; h5 = Text [ 4 , {1.18, 31} ] ; t2 = Text [ 2 , {1.18, 26} ] ; h6 = Text [ 5 , {1.18, 32} ] ; t3 = Text [ 3 , {1.18, 25} ] ; h6 = Text [ 6 , {1.18, 33} ] ; lin = Graphics[ { Dashing [{.01,.01}] , Thickness [.0016], li[1], li[2], li[3], te, t1, t2, (* t3, t4, t5, t6, h1, h2, h3, h4, *) h5, h6 } , AspectRatio -> .75 , PlotRange -> {ya,yb} , Frame -> True ] ; m = { {sa,sb}, {ya,yb} } ; ds = (sb-sa)/n ; dy = (yb-ya)/n ; Do [ x = 4/s ; sys = NDSolve [ { r4'[bat] == d4[bat,x] , r4[0] == x , r5'[bat] == d5[bat,x] , r5[0] == x } , {r4, r5} , {bat, ya, yb} ] ; rowt = rowh = {} ; Do [ {rt, rh} = {r4[bat], r5[bat]} /. First[sys] ; AppendTo[ rowt, N [v / Sqrt[3/2 rt]] ] ; AppendTo[ rowh, N [v / Sqrt[rh/4]] ] , {bat,ya,yb,dy} ] ; AppendTo[arto,rowt] ; AppendTo[arhi,rowh] , {s,sa,sb,ds}] ; cto = ContourGraphics [ Transpose[arto] , MeshRange -> m , AspectRatio -> .75 , ContourStyle -> { Thickness[.0001] , Dashing [{.02,.06}] } , ContourShading -> False , Contours -> { 150, 160, 170, 175, 180, 185, 190, 220, 280 } ] ; chi = ContourGraphics [ Transpose[arhi] , MeshRange -> m , AspectRatio -> .75 , ContourStyle -> {Thickness[.0001]} , ContourShading -> False , Contours -> { 200, 210, 220, 225, 230, 235, 240, 280, 350 } ] ] ; xC = 4 / 1.18 ; yC = 29 ; sys = NDSolve [ { r4'[bat] == d4[bat,xC] , r5'[bat] == d5[bat,xC], r4[0] == xC, r5[0] == xC} , {r4,r5}, {bat, 0, 30} ] ; baf[t_] := yC + .5 Log [E^(-2t) + E^(-2yC) ] ; p1 = Text [r1, {10,4.2} ] ; p2 = Text [ r2 , { 5, 2.6} ] ; p3 = Text [ r3 , {10, 1.4} ] ; p4 = Text [ r4 , { 5, 1.8} ] ; p5 = Text [ r5 , {10, 5.5} ] ; pl = Plot [ { r[1, baf[t] , xC] , r[2, baf[t] , xC] , r[3, baf[t] , xC] , r4 [baf[t]] /. sys , r5 [baf[t]] /. sys } , {t, 0, 35} , Frame -> True , AspectRatio -> .75 , PlotRange -> All , Axes -> False ] ; Display [ "kkkk" , Show [lin, cto, chi] , "EPS" , ImageSize -> {999,750} , ImageOffset -> {10,190} , ImageRotated -> True ] ; Display [ "aaaa", pl , "EPS" , ImageRotated -> True , ImageSize -> {999,750} , ImageOffset -> {10,190} ] ; Quit [] -- --- Jaime E. Combariza Ph. D. Research Computing Group