about musical functions
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg20070] about musical functions
- From: "Postman" <cmannu at eternite.com>
- Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 03:33:27 -0400
- Organization: CompuServe Interactive Services
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at wolfram.com
Hi all, I'm using Mathematica 3, and trying to play songs simultaneously. I've read the composer's guide which is really good, but i don't find it clear enough to make a function such as the one for scales (on part 7)... I wanted mainly to play "accords", two different notes from a given scale in a same time. Scale is given in cents such as : MeanChromatic = {0,76,193.2,310.3,386.3,503.4,579.5, 696.6,772.6,889.7,1006.8,1082.9,1200} and i want to play 76 and 772.6 in the same time.... The function : PlayScale[scaleType_,startingFreq_,totalDuration_] := Module[{scaleList,noteDuration}, scaleList = Map[(N[startingFreq * 10^(#/(1200/Log[10,2]))])&, scaleType]; noteDuration = Length[scaleList]/totalDuration; Play[ Sin[ 2 Pi t scaleList[[ 1+Floor[t * noteDuration] ]] ], {t,0,totalDuration-.000001}] ]; Many thanks.